Never Too Late for Spring Cleaning

/ May 20, 2020/ letters to blog/ 0 comments

Dear Blog, Since it’s Spring technically for a few more weeks, I figured it was time to update your look As always, this is a work in progress.  I realize I miss blogging, but as it has been since I lost my job in 2012, I find it hard to include it in my time management of the week. I

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Stitch Fix: A Review

/ March 19, 2018/ clothes, life, Reviews, stitch fix/ 0 comments

Ever since having Munchkin, I’ve struggled with clothing. This has to do with my post-preggo body which still has all the baby weight plus more fluff in the front than before. I wore a mix of leggings, maxi skirts, oversized shirts, and maternity clothes for the first nine months post-partum. Even now seventeen months after giving birth, I still have

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The Flippant Girl’s Guide to Staying Positive

/ February 28, 2018/ Flippant Girl's Guide, sarcasm ahoy/ 0 comments

Credit Rumor has it there are people out there who are called “optimists.” I call shenanigans. There’s more chance of me riding a unicorn than meeting one of these other cryptozoologic wonders. But as someone who has an impressionable child, it’s my job to keep those horrible sarcastic, doubtful thoughts far away. So how the heck does this get achieved?

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