Now I’m Feeling Linkified*

/ September 20, 2011/ award, blogging, meme/ 7 comments

The Pie got another award**. This is pretty exciting. When we get an award, it’s not only a prize for the blog, but a prize for the blogger. And by prize I totally mean built in blog post. Kelley at Writtled shared the 7×7 Link Award with the Pie. She’s a fellow campaigner where I’ve been lurking lately***. I like

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WIP Snapshot: Phoenix Rising

/ August 23, 2011/ meme, phoenix rising, wip/ 9 comments

The following has been shamelessly poached from the following people: Kiersten White, Pam, and Quita. (Though I did first see on Kiersten White’s blog and thought, “Hey, this is a wicked good idea. *I* should do the same.”) Credit Title: Phoenix Rising Genre: Urban Fantasy Pages: 330 Chapters: 20…ish Word Count: 66,500 Draft Time: I’ve done two drafts, totaling about

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Monday Shinies

/ August 22, 2011/ award, meme/ 16 comments

My calendar is telling me it’s Monday, but my brain is in disagreement. This has everything to do with the fact that when I left my Camp NaNoWriMo WIP last night, I was in Tuesday. This should tell you how completelyy entrenched I am with my fictional friends and trying to figure out exactly what is up with my protagonist

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In the Memetime…

/ July 4, 2011/ meme, music, musings/ 0 comments

A couple of weeks ago, Alison Miller tagged me in this meme-type thing. Since it’s Monday and the majority of us are enjoying hot dogs, parades, and fireworks it’s perfect timing. Right? Right? Right. For once I’m blogging ahead of schedule and catching up on TV to boot, so I might as well warn you: sarcasm will be aplenty. 1)

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On Writing….

/ March 1, 2011/ meme, writing/ 2 comments

Credit   Style and methods, that is! I totally poached this meme from Holly that she posted back in December. I’ve kept it filed away for a day when I needed something in a pinch. Since today’s Tuesday and the 9-5 job has my brain all scrambled, it looks like today would be the day. Writing style and methodology vary

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