Best Read Books in 2011

/ December 23, 2011/ books, favorites, Friday Fives/ 5 comments

Back in January, I made it my goal to read a book a week. By the summer I blew that goal out of the water. With so many books read over the year, it’s hard to pick just five. I did it though, Lurkdom, just for you*.

What were the best books you’ve read this year?

* Though, as with everything here at The Pie, opinions are subjected to change at the whim of Yours Truly.

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  1. I need to read When You Reach Me. That's like on everyone's list this year.

  2. Divergent! It's a good's alright. 🙂

  3. *shoots auto-correct in the face*
    Let me re-type that. Gah.
    "Divergent! It's a good'un alright!"

  4. DIVERGENT and WHEN YOU REACH ME are among the best books I read in 2011 as well. And I've got Graceling in my TBR pile… I think I'll pick it up next. 🙂 Great choices, Alicia!

  5. GRACELING YES. It's sooo good! I must pick up Shut Out some time soon too! 🙂

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