Flutter by Erin E. Moulton debuts today!

Ag2218/ May 12, 2011/ books, Erin E. Moulton, Flutter, young adult/ 5 comments

Hey, everyone! While it is Thursday and this is Miranda writing, I’m sorry to inform you all that today I will not be blogging about zombies. But the good news is that since most of our readers are writers and enjoy the Young Adult genre, today’s entry is still for you!

When I was in college in Boston, I didn’t really have any friends at my school. While I thought college would be a place where I’d meet people like me and finally find a group of people who understood me and “got” me, unfortunately I did not. But before you get a mental image of me as an emo loser sitting alone in her dorm room… okay, that actually would be a fairly accurate portrayal of how I spent four years in school. However! There was one person whom I did click with– my friend and now author, Erin Moulton!
Erin was in my major and department for lighting design at Emerson College. I’m not lying when I say she was pretty much the only other lighting major that I liked! Fortunately for Erin, she abandoned lighting for writing. And a very good thing, because today her debut young adult novel, Flutter, hits shelves at a bookstore near you!
I remember sitting up in the top floor of the beautiful brownstone where Erin lived in our Beacon Hill neighborhood. While we should have been working on light plots and paperwork, we mostly spent time drinking tea while I listened to her character ideas and stories. I knew back then she was going to be an amazing storyteller, so it comes as no surprise to me that she is now a published author. Here is a description of Flutter
“Big things are about the happen at Maple’s house. Mama’s going to have a baby, which means now there will be four Rittle sisters instead of just three. But when baby Lily is born too early and can’t come home from the hospital, Maple knows it’s up to her to save her sister. So she and Dawn, armed with a map and some leftover dinner, head off down a river and up a mountain to find the Wise Woman who can grant miracles. Now it’s not only Lily’s survival that they have to worry about, but also their own. The dangers that Maple and Dawn encounter on their journey makes them realize a thing or two about miracles-and about each other.”

I highly encourage you to go pick up a copy of her book! I have mine on reserve at my local Borders, so you can expect a review soon and (if she agrees) hopefully an interview with the author! Flutter has been getting great advanced reviews, but I don’t need other websites to tell me it is going to be a fantastic read!

And for a nice laugh, check out a blog Erin wrote a few days ago about the Stages in Taking Criticism and How to Deal!

Miranda and Erin in Emerson’s Majestic Theatre, 2005

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  1. Beautiful cover! Sounds like a great book!

  2. How exciting! I'll look for it :))

  3. Flutter sounds interesting. I just added it to my wish list.

  4. Sounds like a good book–voice is all over that snippet!

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  5. This sounds like an interesting book! Thanks for sharing 🙂

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