Need Query Letter Help?

/ April 4, 2011/ blogfest, query, query letter/ 20 comments

In case you were wondering about Friday’s post, the aliens versus paratroopers never happened*. My high school didn’t excel in the “kick ass pranks” department. As it was, my graduating class thought parking someone’s Jeep Cherokee on the walkway to the front of the school was clever**.

But it’s a new week and that means back to business. Since the 99th Page Blogfest was such a hit, Erinn, Holly, Pam, Quita, and I are joining forces again this time to bring you the query letter blogfest.

Oh god, WHY?
Because we like each other and query letters (like cover letters) are spawns of the devil***. Oh and, it’s like the most important marketing tool in your writer arsenal. First impressions mean something for a reason.

Fine. What do I have to do?
You can sign up at the bottom of this post. Once the day comes, there are only two rules: post your query letter and visit at least 5 other bloggers and critique their queries.

This isn’t for the faint of heart. The only way we can get better is if we get feedback.

Uh… I just finished my first novel and have NO CLUE what to do.
No problem. Check out some articles:

And since I like working in threes, I’ll stop there. But seriously, there are tons of places online that explain how to write a query letter. (You can also check out Query Shark, which I definitely suggest.)

And if you’re new to the blog, please become a follower and enter the Race to 150 contest!

*Though it would’ve been ten thousand kinds of awesome if it did.
** To be fair, they also surrounded the car with traffic cones.
*** Disclaimer: The Pie’s views on query letters do not represent all parties involved. As you know, The Pie has a mind of it’s own.

____ hit of the day: Dead to Me by The Dreaming

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  1. Great idea, you guys! Thanks! I've been agonizing over my query lately.

  2. This is so awesome. I'm in the 'does this suck' aspect of my query letter editing too. So looking forward to this and I'll make sure to spread the word ^_^

  3. Oooh, awesome idea! I'll help critique!

  4. Fantastic! Now, do I put in the first draft of my new query for a new book, or my 1598th version of the query for my old book?


  5. Alicia- I'm honored you linked my query advice here..esp since I'm so late getting to critting yours…please, feel free to send me a revised one if you want 🙂

  6. Though I have no query to post, I'll be sure to spread the word. 🙂

  7. Oh, that Blog! 'The Pie' is so silly, what with its love of zombies and whatnot.

  8. Just found your blog! Love the idea!

  9. Great idea! I need all the feedback I can get. 🙂

    Marie at the Cheetah

  10. Love this idea! Thanks for the opportunity!

  11. Of course I signed up and also blogged about it!

  12. Just found out yesterday that I have to write a query letter (submission process is slightly different in Ireland and the UK) so I'm definitely up for this 🙂

  13. Excellent… but I CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO IT! UGH! Could anyone tell me? I read all about Linky's and such but don't understand.

  14. Hi Lori, If you click the phrase 'click here to enter', you'll be directed to a page where you can enter your name and your blog address.

  15. I'm not entering because I don't have a query letter to submit, but this is such a great idea!

  16. Thanks, Alicia… oh, so my name and address, I'll try now. Then I post my query on my blog?

  17. I kept thinking I was supposed to put in info for this blog. Still don't understand the blog hop idea. Hopefully, it won't matter.

  18. Hmmm… so sign up then post your query letter on the 19th? And everyone blog hops to critique each others?

  19. This was excellent. Just the specific feedback I needed to jumpstart another version. Many thanks!

  20. This is just a quick thank you to the girls of Blog Pie for running this, and to everyone who participated. It was incredibly helpful. You know sometimes, you can think you're getting away with something until someone says, 'hey hand on a sec, nice try, but…'
    Very helpful, so thank you again!

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