Nomad in the Apartment

/ January 13, 2012/ Friday Fives, writing spaces/ 5 comments

On a previous Friday Fives, I shared my favorite writing locations. These still hold true, but sometimes I need a change of scenery within a location, especially when I’m at the apartment. I have different places to work when I’m working on different things.

1. My desk has been a good place as of late. I work here when my focus is really awesome and I’m not under some self-imposed time crunch. Since the desk is right next to the living room, this means Hubby is usually nearby. So if I need his input this is awesome.

2. The kitchen table works out well when I’m revising and creating charts of large sheets of paper. Or working with shrunken manuscripts. Or spreading out a lot. Basically I use this area when I need a large workspace.

3. The couch is generally reserved for emails, blogging, and readthrus; that don’t require a whole lot of attention. If I’m here, it means I’m also watching TV. If I’m doing this, it’s okay to interrupt my process (most of the time).

4. My bed. The bed ends up being the place where I do all of my first drafts. It’s comfy and far enough away from the living room that I don’t get distracted by Hubby. The cats usually come up and cuddle too, which is an added bonus. I will also do a lot of blogging from here, like right now.

5. The front porch. This only works in the summer and when it’s not cluttered, but my enclosed front porch is a great place to work.

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  1. It sounds like you are quite mobile in your writing life. In the least you get work done. At the most, you are improving your cardiovascular by exercising while working.

  2. I'm a fan of writing on my couch and in my bed as well, though I find I get the most done if I get out of the house and head to the library or a coffee shop. Not always feasible with my four-year-old friend, though. 🙂

  3. Well, there's no need for me to do this Friday Five. It seems you've pretty much covered it all. 🙂

  4. If I had a front porch or a deck I probably set up a hammock and live out there in the summer.

  5. I like the couch and the bed too. I have a screened porch but I rarely use it. Florida is usually extremely hot and sitting outside is extremely uncomfortable lol.

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