Ready. Set. WRITE! Week 4

/ June 29, 2015/ achievement, goals, phoenix rising, ready. set. WRITE!/ 15 comments

Ready. Set. WRITE! is a summer accountability series that is hosted by Jaime MorrowKaty UppermanAlison MilerErin Funk, and Elodie Nowodazkij. We set goals for the summer and check in weekly.

I must say that without this weekly accountability thing, I would not be as productive as I have been. So thank you, ladies. Honestly. You’re making sure I kick myself in overdrive every week.

Still, I’m shocked it’s already the Week 4 check in. Shocked, I say.

How I Did Last Week

  • Send out at least 3 queries. (Honest.) Overachieved. I queried SIX.
  • Do some work on the SNI: either research setting possibilities or another chapter of PLANNING YOUR NOVEL. Overachieved. I’m 99% sure that The SNI will be set on the Oregon Coast and I worked 1/4 of the way through the next chapter of PLANNING YOUR NOVEL, which is Workshop 5.
  • Update master Scrivener template to include some more worldbuilding and character exercises. Done.

My Goal(s) For This Week

  • Send out at least 5 more queries.
  • Work my way through Workshops 5 and 6 of PLANNING YOUR NOVEL.
  • Outline major plot points for PHOENIX RISING’s sequel.
  • Read.
  • Get in at least 15 minutes of exercise daily.

One Word/Phrase That Sums Up What I Wrote/Revised

I didn’t write or revise anything this week due to what last weeks’ goals were.

Biggest Challenge I Faced This Week

Getting out of my own way. Because of day job stress, I’m spending an unhealthy amount of time playing Candy Crush or Bejeweled. This time would be better spent reading or exercising or working on one of the 4 major projects I’ve decided to work on this summer. But for some reason it takes a major effort to push past the crap of my day job most days.

Something I Love About My WIP

Since last week was all about The SNI, I love how much work Future Alicia will be stuck with. Currently, The SNI is heavy in Japanese folklore–something I know nothing about–so there will be tons of research to do before and after November. Future Alicia is going to hate Past Alicia so much.

I hope everyone has a super awesome productive week.

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  1. "Getting out of my own way." Oh, man. I need to do this SO much. It's unreal how much time I was doing unimportant things. Time that could be reallocated to things like writing and reading. Awesome job with your goals this past week! You totally blew past them and kept on going. Hope this is another productive week!

  2. I'm just finishing revising a YA contemporary set on the Oregon coast! I love that area and was inspired by a visit there. We should chat sometime! I invented 2 fake towns and reference some actual places. I'm @StephScottYA on twitter 🙂

  3. Haha! I don't think I realized what kind of research I set myself up for when I started the current story so I hear you on that! Also, yeah – I often need to get out of my own way. We have a lot of lazy days around our house and it's hard for me to get started on something.

  4. You were definitely an overachiever this week! Nicely done! Sounds like future Alicia will have her work cut out for her. I love that you're delving into Japanese folklore. I'm sure that will be fascinating! Japan is certainly one place I'd love to learn more about too. Good luck with your latest goals!

  5. Yay for sending queries!! Good for you for doing so much structured planning. I hear you on the procrastination. My game crack is Tsum Tsum, which is such a time suck but I feel like I need it sometime to just unwind without thinking. Good luck this week, crossing my fingers for lots of full requests!

  6. Great job this week! I had to quit playing Facebook games when it started getting in the way of my writing, and I don't dare go back. Candy Crush is my nemesis. 😛
    Good luck with the goals! 🙂

  7. That was an awesome week with overachieving! Whoohoo keep it up you are doing great!

  8. I feel like there needs to be some kind of system in place to keep each other honest. Though to be honest, I kicked so much butt today I didn't feel bad about the Candy Crush soda breaks I took. Still, I should've done some more productive like color. At least that would let my brain BREATHE.

  9. It's one of those places I want to go, but will need to wait until there is an actual cashflow. I'd love to hear more about how much research you did and resources you used outside of actually being there.

  10. I love lazy days, but then I end up feeling guilty after I do nothing but binge read for 8 hours.

  11. Hopefully I can get some research in this summer. I have to figure out the best resources to use for this. The husband thought a Mental Floss article would suffice. It's like me and my usage of Wikipedia.

  12. I'm curious about this Tsum Tsum, but am terrified to google it and find out that I'll be just as addicted. (Let's pretend we did not have this conversation.)

  13. I keep saying I need to stop playing the games, but sometimes I just need to play something mindless. And it's so convenient. So proud of you for abstaining from the games.

  14. Every one is doing great. High fives to everyone!

  15. Nice job going above and beyond your goals this week! And good luck with the day job stress. Some days life just takes so much out of you your brain simply rebels. And that's okay. It'll leave you more refreshed when you jump back in to the really heavy stuff (like plotting!). Have fun with this week!

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