Retreat, Retreat!

/ January 4, 2012/ Alicia's fantasy world, Road Trip Wednesday, weekend of awesome/ 5 comments

Every Wednesday, YA Highway asks their readership a simple question to answer on your blog. Once you answer, you link your blog in the comments for other readers to hop on board. This is Road Trip Wednesday.

Today’s topic: Describe your dream writing retreat. Where would you go? Who and what would you bring?

Ah, writer’s retreat. The ability to spend every waking moment on your craft without feeling like an utter asshole.The thrill of talking books and nuance and subplots without people’s eyes glazing over or waiting for the opportune moment to switch topics to the Red Sox.

To get trashed watching THE ROOM with your friends.

I had such a blast at the last writing retreat, I’m definitely down with another one. As to who I’d retreat with, that’s a no brainer: the WOA ladies. We all bonded and it was fuzzy and great. That’s why we’re talking about this year’s retreat.

So if time, money, and location weren’t an issue, I’d love to have Weekend of Awesome 2012 to take place somewhere with gorgeous scenery so that way we can being more writerly by staring out of the window and musing. Like this: 


I’m pretty sure Pam, Quita, Erinn, Katharine, and Holly would agree that we should rent this house now. And once the lottery magically lands in my lap, we will.

In terms of what I’d bring, that would be at least 2 books to read, my story bible, my laptop, and my manuscript. Plus all that other necessary stuff like clothes and money. So, Family, if you’re reading and wondering what you can get Alicia for her birthday, lottery tickets*.

What about you? What would you take on a retreat?

* Or gift cards to Barnes and Noble. Or Dunkin Donuts. When in doubt, these are best.

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  1. Cute…that place does look perfect.

    Good Luck with the lottery!

  2. I have several ideas for retreats. Doable ideas. None happen to be in a warm climate, though.

    What would I bring? Writer friends. You know, you. 🙂

    Also, when I saw the blog title, I thought you were retreating (war-like) from your manuscript. Retreat! Retreat! Enemy advancing!

  3. Looks like an awesome place to get some writing done.

  4. That looks so relaxing! I'd bring books, my iPad, ,my Netbook, my jump drive, pens and a notebook to a retreat. 🙂

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