Why I Write

/ October 19, 2011/ life, Road Trip Wednesday/ 19 comments

Every Wednesday, YA Highway asks their readership a simple question to answer on your blog. Once you answer, you link your blog in the comments for other readers to hop on board. This is Road Trip Wednesday.

Today’s topic: What’s your numero-uno reason for writing?

This is such a great question and oddly one that no one in my life has asked me. I guess it’s a good thing some of them lurk here. *waves to The Lurkdom*

I write for the prestige, of course. That and the money because we all know that writing is a get rich quick scheme and I know that I need to find a hot pool boy for the house I’m going to be moving into. Don’t worry, you’re all invited.

Best. House. Ever. Source: homeaway.com via Alicia on Pinterest

And while this house is awesomely fantastic*, it’s not the reason why I write.

I write because there’s nothing else I would rather do. I love it and if I go a certain amount of days without it, you better steer clear. Writing makes me happy and complete. If this was my day job, I’d be the happiest employee in the world.

Don’t forget to stop by YA Highway to see what others are saying.

* Not to mention has the funniest house description ever.
Last.fm hit of the day: From Dust to the Beyond by God Is An Astronaut

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  1. I love the shell house and the idea of a pool boy. Also you have excellent reasons to write.

  2. Wait, that's a real house?? Awesome. And I'm with you. I'm Jerry Maguire and writing is my Renee Zelweger.

  3. What? There's really no pool boy in my future?

    "If this was my day job, I'd be the happiest employee in the world." Me too!

  4. What do you mean I'm not going to have a pool boy? ;_; I has a sad. Seriously, I find myself agreeing with everyone's answers, because like you, there is nothing else I'd rather do. Writing makes me happy in a way that very few other activities can touch.

  5. Good response, and thanks for the invitation. Cocktails at 7? I'll be driving the dark blue Mercedes, purchased with the royalties from my last best-seller… 😉

  6. Ha ha…yes, the money. Writing is a fast ticket to Scrooge McDuckville. 🙂

  7. Love the tongue in cheek 'get rich quick' comments 🙂 Awesome post!

  8. If writing was my day job, I'd probably never leave my house. *shot*

    Haha, no but really, I agree with you–I write because it's all I ever want to do. Great post!

  9. Wow. Maybe you and I can pool resources and move into that house together. Although I bring some baggage: two sons, a daughter, a hubby, two cats and three fish. 🙂

  10. a) I want that house.
    b) Still laughing at your post.
    c) I wish writing was my day job. I feel the same way.

  11. Can't wait to visit you at that amazeballs writer-mansion. 🙂
    I also get antsy and sad if I go to long without writing. I wish I had many more hours in the day to write.

  12. Yes! If writing was my day job, I'd work overtime. For free. (Maybe.) 🙂

  13. Let's hope one day we all get to have writing as our full time job 😀

  14. Great question. I've always written, if not always intentionally the way I am now. Just something I have to do. 🙂

    To respond to your comment on my blog–feel free to pick my brain any time!

  15. I hope the architect for that house thinks about making a hotel. Totally would stay at a hotel that looked like that. Especially if it was near a beach….or maybe only if it was near a beach.

  16. If that house ever has your name on the deed, I'm totally moving in, Alicia. Love your take on this, and thanks for the laugh!

  17. If that house was painting in different colors, it would look exactly like it belonged in Whoville. And aren't we all in it for the money? 😉

  18. Yes and yes. There really is nothing else I'd rather do. <3 Great answer.

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