Writing Crutches I Can’t Live Without

/ May 20, 2011/ Friday Fives, lists, tools for writers/ 18 comments

What writer doesn’t have some sort of ritual to get into the groove of things? I know, I know. The robot kind. Guess what? We’re not talking about robots today. It’s all about me answering Paper Hangover’s Friday Five.

I’m forgoing the obvious things here like laptop, notes, and manuscript since it’s kinda hard to write or revise without these. Instead, I’ll drive down to the more specific items. Part habit, part ritual, there are certain things that can never be far from me.

  1. Scented candle. There’s something soothing about the flicker of a flame combined with the fragrance of whatever Yankee Candle is sitting on my table/desk/bureau*.
  2. Comfy pants. The looser, the better. It’s relaxing not to be confined by buttons and zippers.
  3. Music. Whether it’s to set the mood or to filter out the noise of Hubby yelling obscenities at Call of Duty, music always plays a part of my writing and revision process. If it’s not playing, you know I’m having severe concentration issues.
  4. Beverage. Diet Coke, iced coffee, water, tea, or Focus Vitamin Water. I need to have one of these with me at all times.
  5. Lap Desk. Lately I’ve been doing a lot of work on the bed and while my lap is useful, the desk is more stable. Besides, it comes with a super-convenient cup and pen holder. Not to mention a mini-lamp.

What is a must have for you when you’re working on a project?

* This is all dependent on where exactly I decide my desk is for the moment. Of course, this is non-applicable when I’m not in the house.
Last.fm hit of the day: Summernight Horizon by Anathema

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  1. My mental state. I can always kick my butt in gear but it helps if the night before I know what my goals are for the next day. a clean house and candle is nice but not a necessity. 😉 When I'm writing I'll listen to music that fits the tone of the story. But when I'm hard core revising I need silence. 🙂

  2. I have a lap desk I use a lot too. Great list! 🙂

  3. Lol I love this list! I forgot about comfy pants…that's also a MUST for me. 🙂

  4. i'm with you on the pants thing. seriously, who can work with restrictive pants?

  5. Good call with the comfy pants. I'm in heaven because it's warm enough this week to break out the shorts and skirts and not to wear socks.

  6. Comfy pants is definitely a must. They're half the reason I like staying inside when writing — just so I can write in my pyjamas.

  7. lap desk! Just got one, which I feel like is saving me from leg cancer. My laptop got so hot it was not good.

  8. I'm so surprised how many people write to music! I am the EXACT opposite. If there's music on in the background, I can't write a single word.

  9. Comfy pants are a definite must-have! Those and a pony-tail holder to keep me hair up on top of my head and out of my face…I mean, could you imagine doing NaNo wearing say, leather pants?
    Okay, so I don't wear or own leather pants, but you can see what I'm sayin'!
    Great list!

  10. Hooray for comfy pants! I'd be perfectly happy never wearing pants with buttons ever again. Pregnancy spoiled me – man, those maternity pants were comfy. LOL.

  11. I just bought a lap desk too! I love it! And it's probably ridiculous that a 24 year old woman gets so much joy out of a bendy lamp and cup holder, but I really do!

    I'm going to try the scented candle thing too. I love Yankee candles, and it can only be good for my sense of calm 🙂

  12. Love the comfy pants! Lol.

  13. That is quite a fancy lap desk. I want!! And I love listening to music as well…esp. songs I feel that fit the book or my characters.

  14. Ooh, I never thought about a scented candle…may give that a shot. 🙂

  15. Oh man, totally with you on the comfy pants! I own like five pairs of pajamas because they make writing so much easier.

  16. I haven't tried the candle thing, but I must have comfy pants and food. And a lap desk. But I can't do the music thing for some reason – too distracting.

  17. I always light a candle when I start writing. It's a great ritual!

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